Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Soft drink cans/Omo

When I finished school in 1998, the world was different. Advertising was a dirty word. I was debating whether to go to college and study advertising, but to my angsty, anti mainstream/corporate manifesto, that would be selling out/working for the enemy etc, so I didn't. (I studied Media Communications and sound production)
Well, things have changed. Advertising is now art. I am able to look at it and appreciate it and understand the psychology behind it. I sometimes think it's purely art, not a consumerism ploy, and wonder 'how can people be affected by it's (subliminal) powers? How can someone see an ad for a coke and then be prompted to buy a coke"? But I guess, that's what it does.  
Here are some soft drink cans (Australian 'soda's) which I jammed. Oh, and a bottle of Omo too

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